Experiencing Blessings Through University Entrance Exams

Miss. Hinayo Shintani (Pseudonym)

As a high school senior, I took the entrance exam for my first-choice university, Osaka City University. Still, I failed due to insufficient study and decided to take a gap year to try again. I worked hard on my exam preparation for a year. In the mock exams just before the center exam, I received a B ranking, indicating that I was close to passing. Depending on my center exam results, I even considered applying to a university with a higher deviation score.

Two weeks before the center exam, Kanshugyō (a period of one month of morning temple visits during the coldest months of the year) had begun. However, at that time, I thought, “If I have time to go to the temple, I should study instead.” I believed that my dreams should be achieved through my own efforts, not by praying at the temple.

Unexpectedly, my center exam score could have been better, and I was at risk of not only failing my first-choice university but also my safety schools. I became very anxious, feeling that all my efforts might be in vain.

In retrospect, there were signs from the Buddha before the center exam, such as my cell phone, favorite mechanical pencil, and bag’s zipper breaking on the day of the center exam, but I did not pay attention to them at the time.

Desperate to pass this time, I even considered applying to universities that did not offer the major I wanted to study. When I shared this with my mother, she said, “From tomorrow, start attending morning services at the temple. There are things beyond our control that the Buddha can help with.”

From the next day, I changed my routine to visit the temple every morning before going to cram school. The priest in charge of our parish also performed a week-long Ojogyō (chanting and praying together for someone’s special wish) for me, starting from the time the private university exams began. My family, relatives, and other believers also participated in the Ojogyō.

The priest told me, “We will pray for an hour each day for your success, so please chant for an hour at home every day, too.” I made time each day to chant diligently. Additionally, the priest advised, “Continue your morning visit and prayers even after the exams are over.”

As I continued my morning visit, my anxiety gradually disappeared, and I was able to overcome the deep depression I had fallen into after the center exam failure. I had done everything I could in terms of studying and praying so I could focus during the exams. After the exams, I continued my morning visit with my grandmother, praying for acceptance to my first-choice university.

Despite feeling that I would not be accepted anywhere, I ended up passing every university I applied to: Kinki University, Kansai University, Ritsumeikan University, Doshisha University, and my first-choice Osaka City University.

Overcoming my anxiety through faith, I regained confidence in my efforts. This experience will support me throughout my life. Moving forward, I will continue to work hard in both my studies and my faith. Thank you very much.

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