My Mother Found Me Through Buddha’s Guidance!

Seikei Nishioka (left), Lay Priest of Seifu-ji Temple

This happened about 23 years ago. When I was three, my mother often took me to a nearby supermarket. The supermarket had four floors above ground and one basement level, with access to a subway station from the basement. There were baby goods and children’s clothes on the second floor, and in the center of the floor, there was a kids’ play area.

On that day, I was playing in the kids’ space with other children while my mother kept an eye on me and browsed the children’s clothing section. However, while my mother’s attention was briefly elsewhere, I disappeared. Despite searching the entire floor with the help of store staff and making announcements over the store PA system, They could not find me. My mother was overwhelmed with anxiety, and her heart raced. In unconscious prayer, she began chanting “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, Namu Myoho Renge Kyo…”.

What happened next was truly miraculous. Even though I got lost on the second floor, my mother inexplicably took the elevator to the basement, exited the supermarket, and ran to the subway station. Even though she had not seen me yet, she told the station staff, “My daughter just passed through here,” and rushed down the stairs to the platform without buying a ticket.

There I was, standing alone on the platform with no one else around. My mother called out to me loudly, and in her heart, she thanked the Gohonzon for helping her find me as she hugged me tightly. A few moments later, a station staff member came down the stairs and muttered, “That’s strange. I would have noticed if a child had passed by alone.”

It was indeed a mysterious experience. Normally, a child would be attracted to the toy and candy sections of a supermarket. So why was I standing alone on the subway platform? How did I get there by myself? And why did my mother head straight to the subway instead of searching in places more likely to attract a child? Even now, it feels like a mystery. I believe both my actions and my mother’s actions were guided by Buddha.

If my mother hadn’t found me that day, I might not be here today. Because of this incident, our family’s faith was strengthened, and we are where we are now. I will never forget this blessing and will continue to strive in my service, giving back as much as I can.

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