Taking on Temple Duties as Repayment for Blessings

Mrs. Masako Inoue

During the summer of 2019, I was on my way to the temple for morning service by car. Suddenly, a car jumped out from the right and collided with me. My car crashed into a utility pole, breaking it, and my car was wrecked. As for myself, I felt chest pain and called for an ambulance. I went to the hospital, but the test results showed that I only had bruises.

Looking back, if the broken utility pole had fallen, I might have died, and it would have caused a significant power outage, greatly inconveniencing the neighborhood. However, thanks to the great blessings I received, the pole did not fall, and I could continue my morning visits to the temple and my work without causing any trouble to my company.

Despite my situation, I was recently entrusted with the significant role of parish leader. Previously, I only handled finances for my parish and contributed little in other ways. Now, at the age of 80, I am still working. I repeatedly declined the role, but each time, the priest advised me that “the role is a gift from the Buddha.”

Moreover, other believers in the same parish encouraged me, saying, “Feel free to ask us anything you don’t understand.” Feeling that this was a way to repay my great blessings, I accepted the role.

Having accepted the role, I am determined to contribute to the temple as much as I can and work hard in my duties. Currently, I am riding with the priest, visiting believers’ homes within the parish.

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