Saved by the Power of Odaimoku

Nakazawa directing the Seifuji choir
Nobuhisa Nakazawa (far left) directing the Seifuji choir

In 2020, I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my back. After being examined at various hospitals, I was diagnosed with malignant lymphoma and hospitalized. The treatment was tough, and the battle against the disease was painfully harsh. After the first round of treatment, my condition was so poor that the doctor stopped the treatment, and I switched two outpatient care.

Even then, the suffering did not change. While I lay there, I heard the sound of chanting Odaimoku from somewhere. I couldn't tell if it was a hallucination or reality, but I clung to the Odaimoku and chanted it every day myself. As if the Gohonzon had heard my pleas, my condition greatly improved. Though six treatments were initially necessary, I only needed one, which greatly surprised my doctor. Following that, I switched to home care under the supervision of my home doctor, and a nurse was assigned.

To my surprise, the nurse assigned to me was one of my former students who had won first place in a choir competition in Western Japan. Before I fell ill, I had been listening to recordings of their performances. I believe the Gohonzon had brought us together again.

However, the symptoms that I thought were improving worsened, and I suffered from the typical symptoms of cancer. Unable to eat properly, I became bedridden and gradually weakened.

My wife supported me alongside the doctor. Despite her own struggle with vertigo, she continued to provide devoted care. Unsteadily, she chanted the Odaimoku earnestly every morning and evening, praying for my recovery.

Even with her devoted care, there were no signs of improvement. One night, my wife later told me that she prepared herself for the worst when she heard me singing the Seifuji song in my sleep.

Despite the suffering, I drew strength from the power of the Odaimoku, chanting it with all my might. Accompanied by my wife's prayers and the help of fellow believers who came to our home to chant with me, I continued to chant the Odaimoku. Knowing that everyone in my parish was praying for me and hearing about the blessings received by other cancer survivors gave me courage. One night, I dreamed of Master Nichiyo Nishimura (the ex-chief priest of Seifuji) appearing to me with a smile, encouraging me.
Nakazawa with his wife, Fumiko
Nakazawa, who was active as a musician

Currently, my wife and I chant the Odaimoku together every morning and evening in front of our home Gohonzon. My family once prepared themselves for my death during the most difficult period, but we are deeply grateful that we were able to overcome it with the power of Odaimoku. I have fought various illnesses, including a stroke, but each time, I have been saved by the power of Odaimoku and allowed to live. I am determined to continue dedicating this “granted life” to protecting the teachings and helping to spread them in the world.

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