At the age of 17, Nichiren Shonin embarked on a journey of profound Buddhist study in search of true Buddhism. After years of rigorous exploration, he discovered that the teachings revealed in the Honmon Happon chapters of the Lotus Sutra hold the ultimate key to salvation for ordinary people living in the Mappo period—the Latter Days of the Law. He realized that chanting the Odaimoku, Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, is the essential practice for attaining enlightenment in this age.
On April 28, 1253 (the fifth year of the Kencho era), at the age of 32, Nichiren Shonin ascended Mt. Seicho in what is now Chiba Prefecture. Facing the rising sun over the Pacific Ocean, he chanted the Odaimoku, Namu Myoho Renge Kyo, aloud for the first time in this world. This historic moment marked the establishment of the Odaimoku School based on the Honmon Happon teachings. We commemorate this auspicious day as Rikkyo Kaishu Kinen-bi, meaning “the Memorial Day of Founding a New Buddhist School.” The term “Rikkyo” signifies “establishing a new Buddhist doctrine,” “Kaishu” denotes “opening a new Buddhist school,” and “Kinen-bi” means “a memorial day.”
The significance of Rikkyo Kaishu Kinen-bi lies in Nichiren Shonin’s revolutionary act of advocating a new Buddhist doctrine based on the Honmon Happon teachings while directly challenging the prevailing sects of his time. This courageous declaration required immense determination and an unwavering readiness to sacrifice his life for the propagation of the Odaimoku. His resolute faith and vision made it possible for us today to embrace the Odaimoku and walk the path to enlightenment as illuminated by the Primordial Buddha.
On April 28, HBS temples commemorate this foundational moment by holding a Kusho-kai. The term “Kusho” means “chanting the Odaimoku,” and “Kai” signifies “a Buddhist service.” The Kusho-kai is a special service that places great emphasis on the practice of chanting the Odaimoku. HBS members gather to chant the sacred words fervently for several hours, honoring Nichiren Shonin’s dedication and perseverance in establishing and propagating the Odaimoku.
Through this observance, we reaffirm our gratitude for Nichiren Shonin’s monumental efforts and deepen our commitment to the path of the Lotus Sutra.