My Husband Was Hospitalized with a Stroke but Recovered with Just Five Days of Treatment

In April 2019, I began visiting Seifuji for the first time. Previously, we had a connection with another Nichiren sect temple where we held funerals and memorial services for my husband’s parents. That temple was far away, requiring a full day to attend events and services. At that time, I was healthy and very grateful to be able to attend.

However, one day, I was diagnosed with spinal canal stenosis, which made it physically impossible for me to continue visiting the temple. This was a sudden and shocking event for our family. So, my husband and I discussed what to do next and began searching the internet for a temple near our home in Fukushima Ward, Osaka, where we could become members. During our search, we found the website of Seifuji, which faithfully practices and conveys the teachings of the Lotus Sutra. After repeatedly viewing the website, I gathered the courage to call the temple.

The person who answered my call was, coincidentally, the current leader of our group. The next day, I visited Seifuji to learn more. There, I was introduced to the priest in charge and parish leader, who explained the basics of Honmon Butsuryu Shu and kindly answered all my questions, completely easing my worries.

Later, the priest and group leader visited our home and brought the necessary Buddhist implements to set up the home altar. Their attention to detail and care left me speechless with gratitude.

About two years later, one day, my husband was taken to the hospital by ambulance due to a stroke. Fortunately, the prompt treatment meant that he only needed five days of IV treatment and was able to be discharged without any aftereffects. “Could this be a blessing? To receive such a great blessing so quickly is truly something to be thankful for,” I felt overwhelmed with gratitude.

Reflecting on this, I realized that I have not been diligent in chanting the Odaimoku regularly and have not encouraged others to embrace the teachings of Honmon Butsuryu Shu. Despite my shortcomings, experiencing such a significant blessing was an invaluable and humbling experience. Remembering the kindness of everyone when I first visited the temple, I am determined to further devote myself to faith following the teachings of Honmon Butsuryu Shu.

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