My Faith

Mr. Nobuaki Oiwa, Oyodo Parish

One day, my grandmother asked me to clean the home altar daily. After continuing this task, she said, “Your aunt and uncle will take you on an overseas trip during spring break. Good things happen when you clean the altar where the Buddha lives.” I was very happy and realized that blessings come from the Gohonzon. I started praying daily, participating in winter and summer intensive practice, and visiting the cemetery in Neyagawa. I have countless fond memories of my time at Seifu-ji Temple during those days.

After entering high school, I drifted away from my faith. A year after starting my job, I got married and became a father of two. At 29, I started a business with my father’s support, and 35 years flew by. 2002, I was asked to be the chief mourner at my uncle’s funeral. Having been away from my faith, I didn’t know what to do. Believers from the same parish helped me, and we could conduct the funeral successfully. I am still very grateful to them, especially the late Taizo Masuyama and the ex-parish head, Kenji Yoshida, who provided significant support.

One day, they encouraged me to serve as a Men’s Association committee member. I accepted, seeing it as a way to repay their kindness. For the past 18 years, I have continued serving on the committee. Through this service, I started visiting the temple and believers’ homes more frequently, naturally increasing my opportunities to practice my faith.

Three years after joining the Men’s Association committee, at the end of 2005, I was involved in a severe car accident where my car was totaled, but I miraculously escaped without injury. I strongly felt protected and sustained by the Buddha.

On a different note, my wife and I love Kyoto. Whenever we visit, we always go to the HBS head temple, Yuseiji, and receive blessings there. One day, as we entered the main gate, we heard a compassionate voice from the statue of the founder of HBS, Nissen Shonin, saying, “You came to visit. Please continue to come.” I remember feeling an overwhelming sense of joy and gratitude, which brought me to tears.

Now, under the guidance of the head priest of Seifuji, I participate in Seifu-ji’s duties. My wife serves in the Women’s Association at Seifu-ji and is also a member of the HBS religious council. That is why we have many opportunities to visit Kyoto, and each time we gratefully visit the Honzan.

Life has its ups and downs; it is not always a smooth path. To continue receiving many blessings, I will steadfastly rely on the Gohonzon and prioritize my faith in the future.

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