Gohōmon—Sermons that Deepen and Enhance Faith in the Odaimoku (9/11)

Gohōmon—Sermons that Deepen and Enhance Faith in the Odaimoku

Gohōmon (御法門) are essentially sermons similar to those preached by monks or priests in other Buddhist sects. However, their content specifically revolves around faith in the Odaimoku, which is the path to Buddhahood (to the Eternal Pure Land). The term “Gohōmon” is composed of “Go” (御), an honorific prefix signifying respect, “” (法), which means “teachings of the Buddha,” and “Mon” (門), which means “gate to Buddhahood.” Therefore, Gohōmon are sermons designed to introduce and guide individuals towards the faith in the Odaimoku, helping them embark on this sacred path.

Just as it is challenging to master any discipline without guidance or philosophy, it is difficult to walk the path of faith in the Odaimoku and achieve Buddhahood without “signposts.” Gohōmon serve as these essential signposts on the path of HBS faith.

Faith and Gohōmon are intimately connected and inseparable. By listening to Gohōmon, we can learn the proper conduct and practices associated with faith in the Odaimoku. Consequently, Gohōmon are delivered in nearly all gatherings of HBS members: during daily morning services at temples known as Asa-sankei (朝参詣), memorial services for ancestors, and Okō (御講), which are small Buddhist services held in followers’ homes. By attentively listening to as many Gohōmon as possible and implementing what we learn, the gate to Buddhahood opens, allowing us to walk the path of accumulating Kudoku (the merits of Buddha’s enlightenment) and receiving Genshō no Goriyaku (現証の御利益), the tangible rewards that answer our prayers.

In this respect, Gohōmon are not only vital for followers but also for Kyōmu (教務), the priests of HBS who deliver these sermons. Priests bear the significant responsibility of ensuring that their followers walk the correct path to Buddhahood. This is why Kyōmu continually study to refine their Gohōmon throughout their lives and devote themselves to the propagation of the Odaimoku by preaching Gohōmon as frequently as possible.

The Lotus Sutra states,

This means our Buddhist faith is strengthened when we listen to Gohōmon and practice what we have learned without doubt.

Gohōmon, which guide us on the path to Buddhahood, often emphasize two important practices: Kyōke (教化), converting others to HBS, the faith of the Odaimoku, and Shakubuku (折伏), advising others to abandon their wrong beliefs and embrace HBS faith. Alongside our primary practice of Kushō-gyō (口唱行), the chanting of the Odaimoku, these two practices are crucial for HBS followers. Let us explore their significance in the next article.

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Kyoke—Converting Another Person to HBS Faith
Shakubuku—Advising Others to Abandon Their Wrong Faith and Embrace HBS Faith (10/11)

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