The Blessing Received When My Son Had a Right Cortical Hemorrhage

The Blessing Received When My Son Had a Right Cortical Hemorrhage—Honmon Butsuryu Shu Seifuji Temple
Mrs. Shigeko Uesugi (left) – Sumiyoshi First Parish

After Returning from Work, My Son Fell Asleep in the Living Room and Lost Consciousness, Leading to Emergency Surgery

I would like to share the blessing my son Takashi received this year (2024).

On March 28, after returning from work and finishing dinner, my son was coughing and sneezing. I thought he might have caught a cold and told him to go to bed early. However, he didn’t go to his room and stayed up until about 1:30 AM, eventually falling asleep under the kotatsu (a Japanese foot warmer with a quilt over it) in the living room. I was worried about my son because he was acting differently than usual, so I decided to sleep in the living room to keep an eye on him.

Around 5:30 AM, my son tried to sit up but lost consciousness and collapsed. My husband, who had just woken up, quickly called an ambulance. After immediate tests at the hospital, he underwent emergency brain surgery.

Prayers for My Son’s Recovery During the Okō Service, Leading to His Transfer to a General Ward

After the three-and-a-half-hour surgery, the doctor informed me that my son had suffered a right cortical hemorrhage and might have residual symptoms. They encouraged us to work hard on rehabilitation to help him return to society. Although I had planned to visit him on April 2, I was told that I couldn’t meet him and didn’t know when I would be able to.

The next day, an Okō service was scheduled at Sayoko Matsuo’s house. I informed them that I couldn’t attend and explained my son’s situation, asking for prayers for his recovery. Thankfully, not only did they pray in the Okō, but everyone also had an additional chanting session after the Okō, and by the time the Okō ended, my son was able to move to a general ward. The next day, the doctor even told me to bring my son’s mobile phone so we could stay in contact, which made me very happy.

My Son Is Recovering Well and Currently Undergoing Rehabilitation to Return to Society

At first, when I sent LINE messages to my son, there was no response, and when I visited him, he said he couldn’t type properly, which worried me. However, he gradually started replying correctly, which reassured me. On sunny days, he goes for walks near the hospital and even shops at convenience stores. Now, he is in contact with his company supervisor by phone.

Looking back, if my son had slept in his room as usual that night, my husband and I might not have noticed anything, and the situation could have been much worse. The fact that the ambulance arrived in less than 10 minutes and he was admitted and operated on immediately without being bounced around by hospitals was also significant. Moreover, the minimal residual symptoms and his steady rehabilitation towards returning to society are truly blessings. I am deeply grateful for all these outcomes, which I believe are due to the merits of our faith. With this great blessing received from the Buddha, my family and I are determined to further devote ourselves to faith and service.

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