清風寺住職 西村清良


The Seventh Head Priest of Seifuji

At Honmon Butsuryu Shu, we revere the Lotus Sutra, regarded as the highest of the Buddhist scriptures, and follow the teachings of Nichiren Shonin, who first spread the Odaimoku, “Namu Myoho Renge Kyo,” in the age of Mappo. By chanting the Odaimoku before the Gohonzon of the Odaimoku, extraordinary things often occur in the lives of those who chant it. Illnesses and worries are alleviated, and human relationships improve. This is referred to as “actual proof of benefit,” which serves as evidence of the correctness of the teachings. It is through these actual proofs of benefit that we save people, aligning with the original teachings of the Buddha.

However, in society, various religious sects, new religions, and cults abound, and conflicts caused by religion persist overseas, leading to tragic outcomes. Religion profoundly influences people’s thoughts and actions, making it difficult to discern what is the true and correct teaching, resulting in a world full of confusion. Furthermore, in developed countries, Japan has an annual suicide rate exceeding 30,000 people, ranking second worst globally. The weakening of social, familial, and community ties, which have traditionally supported Japanese society, exacerbates this issue. Everyone carries personal “worries” and “sufferings” that they cannot easily share with others. It is precisely modern people who need the true and correct teachings of Buddhism.

As priests and followers of Honmon Butsuryu Shu, when we hear of someone suffering or in distress, we immediately offer assistance by practicing together (chanting the Odaimoku to inspire faith) and earnestly strive to improve their situation. This practice is known as the Bodhisattva way. Additionally, we are deeply rooted in our local communities, striving to be a reliable temple that contributes to the well-being of the residents.

If you are struggling with human relationships, insurmountable problems, health concerns, or other issues, please visit Seifuji. If you have found this website and have even a slight interest in Seifuji and HBS teachings, we would be delighted. Let us practice faith together and create a world filled with better, more meaningful lives.

  • Introduction to Seifuji Temple