Fire from the Neighboring House! Yet the Damage to Our New Home Was Minimal

Mrs. Tomoko Furuta

I am a third-generation believer, following in the footsteps of my grandmother. From a young age, I attended morning services, Okō (Buddhist services at believers’ homes), and Kunge-kai Okō (children’s service and gatherings) with my mother. Growing up in an environment where the temple was familiar to me, I believe I unknowingly received many blessings that have allowed me to live safely to this day. Among these blessings, the most unforgettable and significant one occurred after we bought a new house upon getting married in 2007.

It happened during the winter, two years after we purchased our new house. At that time, my daughter was in elementary school, and my son was in his middle year of kindergarten. One day, I had the day off work and went to pick up my son from kindergarten. On our way home, we noticed thick black smoke in the direction we were heading. Casually talking with my son, I wondered aloud, “What is that smoke from?” To my shock, I saw flames and smoke rising from behind our house!

I instinctively rushed into the house to retrieve important items, but the firefighters stopped me, saying I couldn’t enter until the fire was out. I stood there in shock, staring at our house. From the people around us, I heard sympathetic comments like, “It’s a shame; their house is brand new,” which made me feel very sad. Even in that moment, the only thing I remember is earnestly chanting the Odaimoku in my heart.

Several hours later, the fire was extinguished, and we were allowed to enter the house. This is when I realized the many blessings we had received.

First, although the laundry on the third-floor balcony had burned, the wired glass windows were cracked but not broken, preventing the fire from entering the rooms. In my daughter's room on the second floor, the air conditioner's outdoor unit had burned, and the window frame had melted, but the fire did not spread to the curtains inside. While the exterior walls were blackened with soot and sparrows were found dead in the backyard, the interior of the house remained unharmed. Most importantly, the first-floor room with our altar was completely undamaged both inside and out.

Ultimately, four houses, including the one where the fire started, were burned, but our house only sustained the aforementioned damage. Moreover, it was fortunate that there were no casualties in the fire.

This frightening experience turned out to be a blessing in disguise, minimizing what could have been a major disaster. We were protected by the Buddha and felt a renewed sense of gratitude for our faith. Subsequently, our priest visited our house and offered a prayer of thanks to our Gohonzon. I am deeply grateful for the many times we have been protected, including this significant blessing. I am determined to continue to devote myself to my faith and service with even greater dedication.

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