Blessings in Employment and Reemployment

Miss. Ikumi Fukumura

In 2017, when I was a senior at university, it was time for me to consider employment seriously. Since childhood, I had dreamed of becoming a preschool teacher, but after my teaching practice, I realized that I was not suited for the role, struggling with the gap between my ideals and reality.

At that time, a temple believer who I regularly consulted about job hunting invited me to try a part-time job at an after-school day service where she worked.

This facility was a therapy center for children with disabilities. Although I had studied a little about children with disabilities, I did not have detailed knowledge and felt anxious about whether I could be of any help. Nevertheless, the children accepted me with pure hearts, which made me very happy. I spent my days learning a lot at the facility while interacting with the children.

About six months later, the head office asked if I would like to join them full-time.

I was so delighted, as I was seriously worried about my career, that I immediately accepted the offer. I thought that I had received a big blessing.

However, three years later, the head office suddenly informed me of the facility’s closure in August. It was during the school term, so I couldn’t see the children graduate, which was hard to accept, but I had no choice but to comply with the company’s decision and resign.

After that, I worried every day about what to do next. I went to the employment office and other places, but the more I worried, the more I felt the need to rely on the Buddha. Naturally, I began chanting many Odaimoku at home and in front of the Gohonzon at the temple.

Then, unexpectedly, a group company affiliated with the facility where I had worked invited me to join a newly established day service therapy center.

I was overjoyed by the offer, which I had never imagined, but I was also feeling unwell due to the anxiety and stress of job hunting. When I asked if I could delay my start date a little, they kindly agreed. I never imagined that reemployment would go so smoothly, and I truly felt that this was also a blessing from the Buddha.

Even now, I work as a nursery teacher at the therapy facility, learning many things daily. I am grateful to be in a workplace with good human relationships. This experience of employment and reemployment blessings made me realize that I have received countless blessings throughout my life. Thanks to the Buddha’s protection, I have been able to live without major illness or injury. Moving forward, I will devote myself to serving the temple with all my might. Thank you very much.

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