Jōgyō Bodhisattva (Superior Practice Bodhisattva) (5/11)

Jōgyō Bodhisattva (Superior Practice Bodhisattva)

In chapter 16 of the Lotus Sutra, “The Life Span of the Buddha” (如来寿量品第十六), Shakyamuni Buddha revealed that his true form, as well as that of all other Buddhas, is the Primordial Buddha who attained enlightenment in the distant past. In this exalted state, he preached the teachings of Honmon Happon and encapsulated all the merits of his enlightenment in the Odaimoku, Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō. When he delivered chapter 21, “The Supernatural Powers of the Buddha” (如来神力品第二十一), he proclaimed, “I, the Primordial Buddha, am about to temporarily disappear from this Saha World. You will spread the teaching of the Lotus Sutra around the world in the Mappō period on my behalf,” [Translated from Japanese.] and entrusted the propagation of the Odaimoku to the group of bodhisattvas called Jiyu no Bosatsu (地涌の菩薩), led by Jōgyō Bodhisattva (上行菩薩), the foremost disciple of the Primordial Buddha who has served him since time immemorial.

So, when did Jōgyō Bodhisattva appear in this Mappō period (Latter Day of the Law) and how did he transmit the Odaimoku to us? It is, in fact, the historical figure Nichiren who was the reincarnation of Jōgyō Bodhisattva.

Nichiren Shōnin (Shōnin, meaning “a great master,” is an honorific title used by HBS members for Nichiren and other masters who contributed to the foundation of HBS) was born in Japan in 1222 and entered Seichōji Temple (清澄寺) in present-day Chiba Prefecture in 1233. After twenty years of studying Buddhism, he realized that the teaching of the Lotus Sutra is the ultimate teaching and the true intention of Shakyamuni Buddha. Thus, in 1253, at the age of 32, he decided to propagate the teaching of the Lotus Sutra, the true teaching of the Buddha, around the world.

Approximately 20 years later, Nichiren Shōnin became certain that he was the reincarnation of Jōgyō Bodhisattva. The Lotus Sutra states that those who propagate its teaching during the Mappō period on behalf of the Buddha will endure various persecutions, such as exile to distant islands or being attacked with swords. However, it also promises that Shoten Zenjin (guardian deities and kings protecting the Dharma) will protect the practitioner of the Lotus Sutra in the face of such hardships. During his missionary work, Nichiren Shōnin encountered many persecutions that matched the predictions in the Lotus Sutra. It was through these experiences that he realized he must be the reincarnation of the Primordial Buddha’s messenger, Jōgyō Bodhisattva.

This recognition is yet another testament to the truth of the Odaimoku, Namu Myōhō Renge Kyō, the true teaching of Buddhism that Nichiren Shōnin devoted his life to propagating. So, next, let us explore the profound power of the Odaimoku and how it benefits us.

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Honnin-Geshu—Sowing the Genuine Seed of Buddhahood (6/11)

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